TriBeaute Located in Tokyo,JAPAN as Experted Active Ingredient Supplier for Skincare/Hairacare and Nutrition. Not only Japanese Raw material and technology,in order to obtain enhanced efficacy, We keep focusing on combine Grobal partner`s resources and technology. Going forward with fast moving of Cosmetics industry, We study/suggest new marketing and scientific knowledge from/to overseas.


  • Describe Innovation

    Multiple angles of aspect,we create Innovation as of technology, raw material ,Efficacy test ,Quality and Concept…etc

  • Global Developing Partners

    Through out our Global Network to develop Active materials,we test for each ingredient deeply with the latest technology to attain customer`s ideal target.
    Furthermore,to achieve Innovation ,we make our collaborations with various Out of Cosmetics industries.



TriBeaute is consisted of new 3 Beauty concepts which stand for SKIN/HAIRCARE, FOOD and EXERCISE.
Achieving the ideal health and longevity are desire of all people.
We will keep seeking the health solutions from these 3 aspects to study Science&Nature.

Natural Products Philosophy

Natural Products Philosophy

We human cannot control grandiose NATURE, because Nature continuously has been evolving itself, we are controlled by Nature.
What we can do is that withdraw Nature potential to utilize it into our health by the latest wisdom and technology.
TriBeaute keeps challenging to grand Nature with the latest science as if Adventurer.

Synthetic Products Philosophy

Synthetic Products Philosophy

Synthetics ingredients are rational to get maximized Efficacy.
This can be said Synthetic is we human`s invention and historical assets to challenge nature.
We utilize this tool to withdraw maximize health efficacy ,likewise produce New Innovation for next Generation.
TriBeaute keeps studying limitless Synthetic technology with the latest science as if Adventurer.

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